If the election was tomorrow Trump would win because Democrats are too afraid to call out the core Republican dog whistle myth that his voters hear loud and clear — that taxpayer’s pockets are being picked by dark skinned invaders.
The electoral college needle is not going to be moved without directly confronting this Republican myth with truth and facts. It’s the myth that even Trump voters, still within the gravitational pull of earth’s fact based atmosphere, will repeat in softer language when you get them alone. Simply dismissing his supporters as hopeless racists is a repeat of Hillary’s “deplorables” mistake that caused her train wreck.
The country woke up on November 9, 2016 to discover that a malignant growth had metastatized and spread to the White House in the form of a monster channeling Geobbels, PT Barnum and Vince McMahon. The prognosis is poor because our only doctors are poll paralyzed Democratic wannabes who seem to be unable to talk about the cause and a cure, while putting us to sleep with wonky health care debates.
September 24, 2019 Follow up-
Trump repeated the myth this week at a Houston rally for India’s Prime Minister Modi (NYT 9/22/19)
“There are those in Washington who would raid your health care to fund free benefits to those who enter our country illegally,” he said, previewing his attacks on Democrats during the presidential campaign. “I will never allow politicians to take away your health care or give it to illegal immigrants.”